From the beginning, Travis CNC has been characterized by our policy of constantly investing in the quality of our products, services and solutions, providing personalized customer service and adapting to the needs of our clients, which has resulted in continuous growth of the company in Argentina and, later on, in new markets.
The incorporation of assembly equipment in the different Travis plants, guarantees optimal results regarding the performance of our products. We believe the secret to business success is hard work, honesty and determination. Applying these principles has allowed our company to earn our client's trust.
Our goal is to satisfy the needs of the different markets by providing precision and reliable products at competitive prices. With the passing of the years, we have become one of the leading companies in high performance CNC machining and turning equipment in Latin America. Travis provides its customers comprehensive services in the process of part machining. Our objective is to help our clients grow, and we achieve that by improving their productivity and the quality of their products which lower their operating costs. Strong on our believe that the machine-tool business does not end with a sale and true to our conduct, the companies of our group have incorporated specialized technical personnel to help us provide our customers with excellent and qualified post-sale support.

Travis CNC was established in Spain in 2002. From our headquarters in Barcelona, we provide comprehensive services to the European market as well as different regions of Africa. We have distribution in the main European markets offering proximity services, which assist each customer in finding the right machine for their needs. At the Travis Taiwan branch, we provide the Asian market our wide range of cutting-edge machines-tools and the services of our specialized personnel. With four facilities in three continents and more than 21,000 m2 of space, we cover half of the global machine-tool market. From our early beginnings, and even today, we have always believed in the creativity and knowledge of our workforce for developing equipment of high-precision, repeatability and durability to help our customers be more competitive and grow alongside us.