Conventional Machines

We are specialists in all types of conventional machinery such as lathes, milling machines, grinding machines and drills. We have the best solution for the equipment of your workshop or business. See all our conventional machines here.


Ref 4VS
Travis 4VS turret milling machine with tempered and rectified guides with turcite-b coating, rotation of the head left and right at 90º, complete cooling system, chip collecting tray, lighting lamp, service tool kit, automatic feed and fast on X / Y axes, with approximation of the motorized table, automatic advance of the rod, square guides on Y / Z axes, tilt front / rear of 45 ° and centralized lubrication as...
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Travis CNC Products
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CNC milling machine with numerical control Fagor model 8055 Plus with rigid threading, hardened and ground guides with Turcite-B coating, pneumatic tool lashing, centralized and automatic lubrication, complete refrigeration system, table with doors and safety micro, tray Taladrina collection, portable electronic handwheel with axis selector and emergency mushroom, lighting lamp, output for RS-232 communication...
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